tummy time

Tummy Time Made Easy: 5 Genius Hacks

End the tummy time tears once and for all! Unravel the secrets to a stress-free bonding routine with these proven hacks. This informative pin is designed to help you transform your baby’s tummy time into a joyful and nourishing space for both of you. Get ready to wave goodbye to the struggles and welcome blissful bonding. This post was created by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL, and contains affiliate links.

tummy time

Is your baby’s tummy time routine causing more stress than bonding? Well, worry no more! This article has 5 genius hacks that will completely transform your experience with your little one. 

Get ready to create a nurturing and joyful space for connection and development. With these simple yet effective tips, you’ll say goodbye to the struggles and hello to stress-free bonding. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to making tummy time a breeze for both you and your baby. 

Hi! My name is Marra, and I am a mom and a pediatric occupational therapist.  I’ve spent years working with children of all ages and abilities, as well as supporting their families through the ups and downs of the early developmental years.  One thing I can’t stress enough is the importance of tummy time, especially for newborns.

newborn tummy time


Have you heard other parents stress or worry about tummy time with their babies?  Maybe your pediatrician has recommended it as well.  

Well, there is a reason everyone is talking about tummy time for babies.  It is one of the first ways that a newborn builds strength, and it supports the development of all of its other milestones.  Yes! All of them.

Why is this? When children are playing on their bellies, it strengthens the core and trunk muscles of a new baby as well as their back extensor muscles and their neck muscles.  

A child’s development occurs proximal to distal, or from the core or the center of their body to the outermost parts of their bodies, their fingers and toes.

The muscles in our core and trunk support the muscles in our shoulders and hips.  The muscles in our shoulders and hips support the muscles in our arms and legs.  

The muscles in their arms support the tiny muscles in their hands.  It all starts in the core.  This is why babies learn to sit before they learn to walk or feed themselves with a spoon. And it all starts in the core.

When a young baby practices tummy time over and over again, they begin to develop strength in their core, back, and neck.  Then, they will begin to lift their head and turn it briefly.  This helps them learn to maintain head and neck stability not only while they are on their bellies but also when you’re holding them.

As your baby continues to grow, gets stronger, and is able to tolerate playing on their tummy for longer periods, they will begin to develop strength in their shoulders and arms.  They will start to push up on their arms and lift their chest very briefly and then for a little longer as they develop their shoulder muscles. 

Then they will start to move a little, pivot a little, and begin to develop strength in their hips and legs, and when they are a little older, they will be strong enough to push up on hands and knees, and begin to practice crawling.  This all starts in tummy time.

tummy time activities


Yes, we want to have fun with our babies while they are playing on their bellies, and it can be a great opportunity for bonding. However, we also need to realize that it is really hard work, and some babies might need more practice before it becomes an enjoyable opportunity for them to engage in play.

Pretend your baby playing on their tummy is equivalent to a plank for you.  If you have never done a plank before and someone told you to hold one for 10 minutes, you’d be pretty unhappy too.  But if you started small and practiced a few times every day, you’d be able to get there. 

It’s the same for our little babies.  Start small, even if it is just a few seconds a few times a day, and slowly increase the time as they get stronger.  Work on making it fun, but at the same time, remember that it is a big workout for our babies, so start small and practice a little throughout the day.

As you start small and slowly increase the time your baby can participate in playing on their tummy, here are 5 genius hacks that will make it easier, less stressful, and more fun, increasing the opportunity for bonding.

tummy time newborn


How do you know when to start tummy time with your baby? The earlier you start it with your baby, the easier it will be for them, and the sooner they will be able to start getting stronger and being able to tolerate it for longer periods of time.  It is never too early to start.

When my daughter was born, I started having her lay on her tummy from day one.  I had her lay with her belly on my chest as soon as she was born.  We did so much skin-to-skin time, and she would be on her belly.  

Yes, this counts as tummy time too.  It doesn’t matter if they are lying on a blanket, play mat, or you; as long as they are lying belly down, it counts.  So, start with having them lay on you.

Once my daughter was about a week old I placed her on her belly on her play mat for a short amount of time, and we slowly increased time from there.  She actually liked sleeping on her tummy, and I would let her nap on her tummy as long as I was awake and close by.  Always practice safe sleep habits when you are sleeping or in a different room from your baby. 

The earlier you can introduce your baby to playing on their tummy, the easier it will be; however, at the same time, it’s never too late to start.  You can even do tummy time with toddlers and older kids too to build up their strength.  If you haven’t prioritized it with your baby that’s ok.  There’s no time like the present to start.

first time mom tips


Did you know that your face is one of your baby’s favorite things in the world? That’s right, babies are obsessed with their parents’ faces.  They love the familiarity of the sight, smell, and sound of your voice.  

Sure, toys are a great way to boost a baby’s engagement in tummy time activities, and I will recommend some great toys to play with while they are on their tummy later in this post.  However, your baby will often rather play with you than any toy.

Engaging with your baby can really help increase the baby’s motivation during this time.  You can get on the floor next to them or across from them so you can look at each other.  This is a great way to encourage your baby to lift their head up as well as strengthen their eye contact and bonding.

While lying next to your baby or across from them, you can make silly faces, sing to them, or play peek—a—boo.  You may even realize that laying on your belly for an extended period of time is a little challenging for you.  When your baby grows and gets a little stronger, you can move around them and encourage them to pivot around and find you.

Another way to get on your baby’s level and engage with them is by lying on a couch and having them lay on you on their belly, as I described above.  That way, they can make great eye contact with you.  They might feel more comfortable and safer in this position.  My daughter loved this while doing skin-to-skin with me too.


This hack is great for those of you who are just starting to have your baby play on their tummy or have a baby that does not enjoy it, and it feels like a struggle to get them to stay on their tummies for any time.

Similarly, to slowly increase the time your child participates in this activity, you can start with having them lay on an incline and slowly decrease the incline.  When your baby is on an incline, and their chest is lifted a bit off the ground and is more elevated than their but and legs, then it requires less strength and energy to maintain the tummy down position.

You can do this by propping a rolled towel, blanket, or small pillow under their chest.  This helps them out a little bit.  You can also lay them tummy down on your chest and sit with a bit of an incline on the couch or bed. 

As your baby gets a little stronger and is able to tolerate laying on their tummy at an incline for a little longer, you can decrease the incline until they are vertical on their tummies on the floor.  This technique will help them tolerate it until they start to get a little stronger.


Incorporating fun and engaging sensory play activities into your baby’s belly playtime can make the experience even more enjoyable for both of you. The key is to create an environment that stimulates your baby’s senses and encourages exploration.

Consider placing a mirror nearby so your baby can see their own reflection. This can be fascinating for them and can help develop their self-awareness. As they lift their head during tummy time, they may catch glimpses of their own adorable face, sparking their curiosity and delight.

You can also find different textured safe items around your house and have baby explore and play with those activities while on their belly. Adding textured objects like soft stuffed animals or sensory toys can make it more enjoyable. 

The different textures provide sensory stimulation, enticing your baby to explore and interact with them. They can touch, grasp, and even mouth on these objects, enhancing their sensory and motor skills. It’s a great way to keep them engaged and increase their sensory processing skills.

By incorporating these sensory elements, you are creating a supportive and engaging environment that will make this time more enjoyable for your baby. They will feel safe, loved, and ready to embark on this wonderful bonding journey with you.

sensory processing


As you gradually increase the duration your baby can tolerate playing on their belly, you’ll likely notice your baby becoming more engaged and interested in their surroundings. 

This is where hack number five comes into play: using toys and props to capture their attention. Adding colorful toys, mirrors, or textured objects to their area can stimulate their senses and keep them entertained for longer periods.

Babies are naturally curious and attracted to new and interesting things. So, why not leverage this instinct while they play on their bellies? Introducing toys and props helps capture their attention and allows them to explore different shapes, colors, and textures. You could place a soft rattle or a squeaky toy within reach, encouraging your baby to reach out and grab it, promoting their motor skills development.

Mirrors are another fantastic prop to include during tummy play.. Babies are fascinated by reflections and love seeing their own faces. A small baby-safe mirror strategically positioned near their line of sight can encourage them to lift their head and engage with their reflection. This helps build neck and upper body strength and boosts their cognitive development as they start recognizing themselves.

Remember, the goal of using toys and props during this time is to make the experience engaging and fun for your baby. Watch for their reactions and adjust accordingly. If they show more interest in one toy over another, swap it out to keep things interesting. The variety will help keep their attention and prevent boredom

By incorporating toys and props, you’re not only making tummy playtime more enjoyable but also providing your baby with valuable opportunities for learning and growth.

Incorporating these genius hacks will revolutionize your tummy playtime experience, transforming it into a cherished moment of bonding and growth for both you and your baby..

These simple yet effective tips not only make tummy playtime easier and more enjoyable but also strengthen the bond between you and your baby. So don’t wait any longer – start implementing these hacks and witness the joy and benefits of tummy time firsthand.