toddler friendly gardening activities

6 Amazing Toddler Friendly Gardening Activities that promote development

Are you looking for fun and educational toddler friendly gardening activities to do with your little one this spring and summer?  These activities will keep your little ones engaged and learning.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 toddler-friendly gardening activities that will not only spark your child’s curiosity but also help them develop essential skills. 

This post was created by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL and contains affiliate links.

toddler friendly gardening activities

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist with years of experience working with children with different developmental needs and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I loved being a support person for parents learning about child development, play-based activities,  and their child’s individual needs.

Toddler friendly gardening activities are some of my daughter’s and my favorite activities to do in the spring and summertime.  We don’t have a garden at home, but there is one at her grandparent’s cottage that we spend a lot of time in.

Toddler friendly gardening activities are not only amazing sensory activities, but they also teach our little ones about nature and where the food that’s on our plates comes from.  Playing in the garden alone can support healthy eating habits in our children.

From planting seeds and watching them grow to creating art with natural materials, toddler friendly gardening activities are sure to provide hours of enjoyment for both you and your toddler. 

So, get ready to dig in and discover the wonders of nature with your little one by your side. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of toddler friendly gardening activities together!

toddler behavior

The benefits of Toddler Friendly Gardening Activties

Engaging in toddler friendly gardening activities offers a plethora of benefits that extend beyond simply cultivating plants. 

From enhancing sensory processing to fostering cognitive development and promoting healthy eating habits, toddler-friendly gardening activities provide a holistic learning experience.

Sensory Processing:
Toddler friendly gardening activities stimulate toddlers’ senses as they touch and explore various textures, smells, and colors found in the garden. 

From the softness of soil to the fragrance of flowers and herbs, toddlers develop sensory awareness, which aids in their overall sensory processing and integration. 

Feeling the different textures of plants, seeds, and soil helps refine their tactile discrimination skills, contributing to development of sensory processing skills..

Cognitive Development:
Through gardening, toddlers learn about cause and effect as they witness the results of their actions—planting seeds and seeing them grow into plants. 

They also develop an understanding of the natural world, learning about the life cycle of plants, the role of sunlight and water, and the importance of caring for living things. 

Toddler friendly gardening activities encourage curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking as toddlers observe, experiment, and make connections between their actions and outcomes.

Language Development:
Gardening provides rich opportunities for language development as toddlers engage in conversations with caregivers about what they see, touch, and do in the garden. 

They learn new vocabulary related to plants, insects, and gardening tools, expanding their language skills. Narrating their gardening experiences and asking open-ended questions encourage toddlers to express themselves verbally, strengthening their communication skills.

Motor Skills:
Participating in gardening activities helps toddlers develop both fine and gross motor skills. Activities such as digging, planting seeds, and watering plants enhance their hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, and grip strength. 

Tending to the garden also involves gross motor skills like walking, bending, and carrying, promoting overall physical development and coordination.

Healthy Eating Habits:
Gardening fosters a connection between toddlers and the food they eat, encouraging them to develop healthy eating habits. 

Growing their fruits, vegetables, and herbs teaches toddlers about where food comes from and the importance of fresh, nutritious ingredients. 

Involving toddlers in harvesting produce from the garden and incorporating it into meals promotes an appreciation for healthy foods and encourages them to try new flavors and textures.

Toddler friendly gardening activities offer a multifaceted learning experience that nurtures sensory processing, cognitive, language, motor, and healthy eating skills. 

Through hands-on exploration and discovery in the garden, toddlers cultivate not only plants but also a lifelong love for nature and healthy living.

toddler gardening activities

Toddler friendly Gardening Activities

Planting Seeds and Watching them Grow

One of the most rewarding toddler friendly gardening activities are planting seeds and watching them grow. 

This hands-on activity teaches children about plant life cycle and instills a sense of responsibility and patience as they care for their little green sprouts. 

By observing the growth process from tiny seeds to flourishing plants, your little one will learn valuable lessons about nurturing and the importance of taking care of living things. 

This activity is not only educational but also incredibly exciting for toddlers to witness the magic of nature unfolding right before their eyes. 

So, grab your seeds, soil, and pots, and get ready to embark on a botanical journey with your curious toddler. Now, let’s move on to watering plants and learning about responsibility.,

toddler activities

Watering Plants and Learning About Responsibility

Watering plants is not only a crucial part of gardening but also a great way for toddlers to learn about responsibility. 

This toddler friendly gardening activity your little ones the task of watering their plants teaches them the importance of caring for living things and the impact of their actions on the environment. 

It also helps them develop a sense of accountability as they see how their efforts directly contribute to the health and growth of their plants.

By involving toddlers in this simple yet meaningful activity, you are setting the foundation for them to understand the concept of responsibility from a young age. 

So, grab a watering can, show your little one how to water their plants gently, and watch as they take pride in nurturing their green friends. 

With each watering session, your toddler will not only be helping their plants thrive but also gaining valuable lessons about responsibility and caring for the world around them. Now, let’s move on to exploring different textures in the garden.

toddler gardening

Exploring Different Textures in the Garden

As an OT, exploring different textures are my favorite toddler friendly gardening activities. In the garden, toddlers have the opportunity to explore a variety of textures that can stimulate their senses and curiosity. 

From the soft petals of a flower to the rough bark of a tree, each texture offers a unique sensory experience for little ones to discover. Encourage your child to touch different plants, leaves, and soil to feel the differences in textures. 

This hands-on exploration not only engages their sense of touch but also helps them develop their fine motor skills and spatial awareness. 

By allowing toddlers to engage with the various textures in the garden, you are nurturing their sense of wonder and connection to the natural world around them. 

So, as your little one enjoys the tactile experience of the garden, they are also preparing to unleash their creativity by using these textures to create art with natural materials.,

heavy work activities

Creating Art with Natural Materials

As your little one enjoys the tactile experience of the garden, they are also preparing to unleash their creativity by using these textures to create art with natural materials.  

These toddler friendly gardening activities are a time for you little one to explore their creative side.  

Collect fallen leaves, petals, sticks, and stones to create beautiful artwork right in your backyard. Encourage your child to arrange these materials in different patterns or designs on a piece of paper or directly on the ground. 

This activity not only allows toddlers to express themselves creatively but also helps them appreciate the beauty of nature in a new way. 

Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time together outdoors, creating memories that will last a lifetime. 

After creating their masterpieces, your little artist can transition to harvesting fruits and vegetables for a healthy snack, continuing their exploration and learning in the garden.,

obstacle courses

Harvesting Fruits and VegEtables for a HEALTHY SNACK

This is such a fun and beneficial toddler friendly gardening activity. Encourage your child to pick ripe fruits and vegetables from the garden to enjoy a healthy snack. 

Not only will this activity teach them about where their food comes from, but it will also instill in them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Let your little one taste the fruits of their labor as they munch on fresh produce straight from the garden. 

This hands-on experience will not only promote healthy eating habits but also provide a fun and rewarding way for your toddler to engage with nature. 

After exploring the garden and enjoying a nutritious snack, your child can extend their imaginative play by building a fairy garden.

gardening activities for toddlers

Building a Fairy Garden for Imaginative Play

After exploring the garden and enjoying a nutritious snack, your child can extend their imaginative play by building a fairy garden. 

This toddler friendly gardening activity not only allows your little one to get creative and express themselves but also teaches them about the importance of creating a welcoming environment for magical creatures. 

Let them pick out small plants, flowers, and decorations to personalize their fairy garden and watch as their imagination takes flight. 

Fairy gardens are a perfect way to blend gardening with imaginative play, creating a magical space for your toddler to explore and enjoy. As they tend to their fairy garden, they will learn valuable lessons about nurturing living things and the joy of creating something beautiful.,

Incorporate these toddler friendly gardening activities into your routine today and watch your little one blossom with creativity and curiosity. 

From planting seeds to building fairy gardens, these activities not only engage your child but also help them develop important skills like responsibility and sensory exploration. 

Start nurturing a love for nature in your child and enjoy the magical moments of growth and learning together. As the saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” So, grab some gardening tools and create unforgettable memories with your toddler in the backyard today.