unrecognizable kid playing with stones in white container at table at home

25 Must-Have Sensory Toys for Kids that Keeps Them Busy and Promotes Development

Are you on the hunt for the perfect toys that will not only keep your child entertained but also improve their sensory processing skill? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we have curated a collection of the top 25 sensory toys for kids that will provide endless entertainment and improve their sensory regulation in different ways.

Are you a parent of a child who struggles with their sensory processing skills? Or maybe you just have an active child and want to add more diverse toys to their collection that promote their development and get them away from those screens.  

Well, sensory toys are the way to go, and they are beneficial for all children, regardless of their sensory needs.

Hi! My name is Marra, and I am a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has spent years working with children with a variety of sensory challenges and supporting their parents as they navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I’d often recommend sensory toys to the families I worked with, and I figured this list might be helpful to you as well.  

By the end of this article, you will have discovered the ultimate sensory toy collection – comprising fidget spinners, sensory bins, musical instruments, kinetic sand, squishy toys, and visual stimulation toys – that will unlock a world of sensory exploration and endless entertainment for your child.

So, get ready to take their playtime to the next level and dive into the world of sensory toys that will captivate their imagination, engage their senses, and provide hours of endless fun. Start building your child’s sensory toy collection today!

sensory processing

25 must-have sensory toys for kids

1. Scooter boards.

sensory toy

I LOVE scooter boards!  These are some of my favorite sensory toys!  They are so much fun, kids love them, and they are so beneficial not just for sensory regulation but for other developmental skills as well.

Kids can play with this is so many different ways.  They can sit on it and use their feet to propel it forward.  They can kneel on it and propel forward, Or, my favorite is laying on their belly and propel themselves with their arms.  

By lying on their belly and propelling themselves forward, they are not only receiving movement and deep pressure input to improve their regulation, but they are strengthening their core, postural control, neck, and arms at the same time.

Not only is this so much fun, but it is also an incredible exercise for the child.  Scooter boards are great additions to obstacle courses!

obstacle courses

2. Peanut Balla

sensory processing

The peanut ball is another one of my favorite sensory toys for kids.  These are also so much fun, and there are endless ways to play with a peanut ball.

Kids can sit and bounce on it, roll over it on their belly, roll over it on their back, sit and rock on it, and use it for a variety of activities.  All of these different activities with the peanut ball provides children with a ton of organizing movement and deep pressure input.

Another calming activity with the peanut ball is having your child lie on their tummy on the floor and rolling the peanut ball over their back while applying a ton of pressure.  This is super relaxing to the nervous system.


sensory processing disorder

I’m OBSESSED with this sensory table! It’s AMAZING!  I’m a huge fan of different tactile sensory play, and this table makes it easy, peasy! Plus, it’s versatile, so you can use it as a desk, which reverses into a chalkboard. So cool!

In the next few items, I listed several great options to add to your sensory table.  These are all great textures that challenge your child’s tactile sensory system in different ways.  Have fun, and switch it up!

5. kinetic sand

sensory play

6. Water Beads

sensory toys for autism

7. Playfoam

sensory bins

8. Playdough

toys sensory


autism sensory toys

So for the theraputy you definitely do not need the sensory table but you could use is if you want to.  Theraputy is another one of the best sensory toys for kids! As you can see in the picture, the different colors demonstrate different strength or resistance levels.

The tougher the therapy and the harder it is for the child to manipulate, the more of that calming deep pressure proprioceptive sensory input they are getting to help regulate their nervous system and calm their body.

We often think of big body movements when we think of proprioceptive sensory input such as crash pads, jumping, and squeezes, but sometimes just some deep pressure input to their hands is all they need.

Theraputy is also a great way to strengthen all of those tiny muscles in a child’s hand and it is a great preparatory activity to do before handwriting or homework.

10. ted kangaroo sensory chair

sensory activities

This Ted Kangaroo Sensory Chair is the perfect spot to take a sensory break.  While in it, kids feel as if they are being squeezed or getting a big hug.

This proprioceptive or deep pressure sensory input is so calming to the nervous system and can improve a child’s sensory regulation.  This spot is the perfect place for your child to relax and recenter during their busy days.

11. Fidgets

sensory bottles

Fidgets are fall in must-have sensory toys for kids.  These are a great way to provide kids with needed sensory input, either between activities, or during activities to help improve their regulation.

These fidgets are great for listening during class, car rides, or those touch times when we kids need to sit and wait like at a doctors office.  This variety pack of fidgets has something for every child.  so have fun exploring all of these fidgets with your child and figuring out which ones they like best.

12. Lycra sensory cuddle box

sensory play

This Lycra Sensory Cuddle Box is the perfect spot for your child to take a needed sensory break.  This quiet area gives your child a break from what may be an overwhelming environment in this cozy spot to relax..

Because this box is made with Lycra, it will give your child a little bit of calming movement deep pressure sensory input to help calm their nervous system and improve their sensory regulation.

13. crash pad


Crash pads are needed in every home!  Whether it’s this one I’ve linked above or just a big pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, it really doesn’t matter.  Every kid loves to jump and crash.,

Kids need to MOVE! Most kids need to move a lot more than they do every day.  Moving our bodies is so important for our physical, cognitive, and mental health.  Kids need a safe spot to explore their bodies and participate in big movements, and this crash pad is the perfect place for them to do so safely.

From a sensory perspective, this crash pad provides a safe environment for kids to get the bigger movements and a lot of deep pressure input that their bodies need.  If they are getting too wild then send them to the crash pad.

14. sensory bottles

sensory bottles

These sensory bottles are a great option to provide kids with calming visual sensory input.  The great thing about these are that they are portable and great to have on the go.  Interacting with these sensory bottles can be calming for a child in a busy or overwhelming environment.

15. sensory sack

sensory processing

This is one of the best of the sensory toys for kids.  I know this sensory sack does not look like a toy but trust me, this is so much fun.  It is also super regulating and calming to the nervous system by providing kids with deep pressure proprioceptive input.

16. sensory cuddle swing

sensory swing

The cuddle swing is be far the most utilized sensory equipment when I was practicing in the sensory gym.  It would be amazing if all families were able to have a cuddle swing in their home.  Yes, I know this is unrealistic as I don’t even have one.

Kids love the cuddle swing and get so much of that high-quality movement and deep pressure sensory input to improve their regulation.

17. Sensory vibrating pillow

sensory processing disorder

These vibrating pillows offer a unique sensory input.  This one is definitely a try and see sensory toy. Some kids might love this and find it calming while other kids may not. 

That’s perfectly ok.  Every child has unique sensory needs.  It’s important to respect their preferences. 

18. Swing accessories

sensory equipment

If you have the space in your house for a cuddle swing, you might want to invest in these swing accessories.  At not much extra cost, you could have multiple swing option that each provide a unique sensory experience for your child.

19. Foam pogo jumper

sensory toys for autism

Old school! Pogo sticks! Thought these were a thing of the past? Well, they are back and probably were never thought of then as sensory toys for kids before.  The pogo stick is great way to give kids tons of movement and meet their sensory needs.

20. balance beam

toys sensory

I’m sure I’ve mentioned how much I love obstacle courses as a sensory activity, but in case you missed it before, I LOVE obstacle courses!  These balance beams are a great option and provided different movement sensory input while challenging core strength and postural control.

21. Sensory balancing stones

sensory room

Same here! These offer a great tactile sensory experience as well as movement input.  These stepping stones are always a part of our obstacle courses at home.

22. trampoline

sensory play

If you are on the fence of whether or not to get a trampoline for your kids, DO IT! Not only are trampoline’s a great way to encourage kids to play outside, but they provide tons of excellent movement and deep pressure input to improve their regulation.

23. chewy necklace

sensory toys for kids

If your kids like to chew, these are the perfect sensory toys for them.  Plus, they look really cool! They also come in different colors.  Chewing is a calming sensory activity.

24. calming tent

sensory toys for kids

This calming tent is the perfect place for a child to take a calming sensory break away from the busy and sometimes overwhelming world.  This is the perfect spot to read a book, listen to music or play with some fidgets.  Everyone deserves a little break including kids. 

25. sensory bean bag toys

sensory toys for kids

I love these cute animal bean bags and there are so many fun active games to play with them.  They are little heavy and provide tactile and deep pressure input to the child when they are playing.

There you have it! The top 25 must-have sensory toys for kids that keeps them busy and promotes development.  These toys are all amazing but by no means do you need them al.  They are just options to explore based on your child’s individual sensory needs.

If you are struggling with where to start, comment below, I’d love to help you find the right sensory toy for your child.