positive discipline techniques for toddlers

Top 5 Positive Discipline Techniques for Toddlers

Positive discipline techniques for toddlers are helpful strategies for parents with little ones, promoting healthy behavior, emotional regulation, and skill development. Let’s explore each of these positive discipline techniques for toddlers in-depth, providing detailed insights and practical strategies.

positive discipline techniques for toddlers

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has years of experience working with children with different developmental and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I loved being a support person for parents learning about child development, especially during the first few years of life.  I really think toddlers have a bad rep and are simple the best! I love working with toddlers and especially love raising my own.  Yes, there are challenges and that’s why I’m here to help!

This post is all about the top 5 positive discipline techniques for toddlers and how they can help you navigate the ups and downs of toddlerhood.

The Amazing Benefits of Positive discipline techniques for Toddlers


Positive discipline techniques for toddlers empowers little ones by providing them with opportunities to make choices and take responsibility for their actions. 

When toddlers are praised and reinforced for positive behaviors, they learn that their actions have a direct impact on outcomes. This sense of empowerment boosts their self-esteem and confidence, encouraging them to actively engage in learning and problem-solving.

For example, when a toddler successfully completes a task or demonstrates kindness, acknowledging their effort and achievement reinforces their sense of capability and competence. This empowerment extends beyond specific behaviors and contributes to toddlers’ overall sense of agency and autonomy.

Social Skills Development

Positive discipline techniques for toddlers play a pivotal role in fostering the development of essential social skills in toddlers. Through positive interactions, modeling, and reinforcement, toddlers learn valuable skills such as empathy, cooperation, and communication.

For instance, when toddlers engage in collaborative activities or practice taking turns, they develop an understanding of others’ perspectives and needs. Positive reinforcement for sharing, using kind words, and resolving conflicts peacefully reinforces these social skills and encourages prosocial behavior.

Additionally, positive discipline promotes positive peer interactions, as toddlers who experience respectful and empathetic interactions with caregivers are more likely to exhibit similar behaviors with their peers.

Emotional Inteligience

Positive discipline techniques for toddlers contribute significantly to the development of emotional intelligence in toddlers. By acknowledging and validating their feelings, caregivers help toddlers understand and express emotions in healthy ways.

Time-ins, for example, provide toddlers with emotional support during challenging moments, teaching them how to regulate their emotions and cope with stress effectively. 

Caregivers who model emotional awareness and regulation serve as positive role models, demonstrating healthy ways to manage feelings like frustration, anger, and sadness.

Through reflective listening and problem-solving discussions, toddlers learn to identify and label their emotions, communicate their needs, and develop resilience in the face of adversity. These skills are crucial for building emotional intelligence and promoting mental well-being.

heavy work activities

Relationship Building

Positive discipline techniques for toddlers strengthen the bond between caregivers and their little ones, creating a supportive and nurturing relationship. When caregivers use positive reinforcement, active listening, and empathy, toddlers feel understood, valued, and connected.

Time-ins, in particular, foster trust and emotional closeness, as toddlers learn that caregivers are there to support them during challenging moments. 

This bond of trust forms the foundation for secure attachments, which are essential for healthy emotional development and positive self-esteem.

Furthermore, positive discipline techniques for toddlers enhances communication and cooperation between caregivers and their little ones. 

Clear expectations, consistent routines, and respectful interactions create a harmonious and positive environment where both parties feel respected and appreciated.

Long-Term Positive Behavior

 Perhaps the most significant benefit of positive discipline techniques for toddlers is its long-term impact on toddlers’ behavior and well-being. 

By teaching skills, promoting positive interactions, and fostering a nurturing environment, positive discipline sets the stage for lifelong positive behavior.

Toddlers who experience positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and supportive relationships during their formative years are more likely to exhibit adaptive behaviors, empathy, and self-regulation as they grow older. 

They internalize values such as kindness, responsibility, and respect, leading to positive social interactions and healthy relationships in adolescence and adulthood.

Additionally, the skills and coping strategies learned through positive discipline contribute to overall mental health and resilience, equipping toddlers with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges effectively.

positive discipline

Top 5 Positive discipline Techniques For Toddlers

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is more than just praising good behavior; it’s about creating a positive environment that encourages positive choices. 

Beyond verbal praise, consider incorporating tangible rewards such as a sticker chart where toddlers earn stickers for each positive behavior. This method not only reinforces good behavior but also teaches toddlers about goal-setting and delayed gratification.

Another effective strategy is using descriptive praise. Instead of a generic “good job,” provide specific feedback like,

 “I noticed how you shared your toy with your friend. That was very kind and thoughtful!” 

Descriptive praise helps toddlers understand exactly what behavior is being praised, making it more likely to be repeated.

Additionally, consider involving toddlers in setting their own goals. For example, ask them, 

“What positive behavior do you want to work on this week?” 

This empowers toddlers, promotes self-awareness, and encourages a sense of ownership over their actions.


While redirection is commonly used to guide toddlers away from undesirable behaviors, it’s important to approach it strategically. Instead of simply redirecting, engage toddlers in problem-solving. 

For instance, if a toddler is grabbing toys from others, redirect their attention and then ask, “What can we do instead of grabbing? How can we ask for a turn nicely?”

Incorporating redirection into play-based activities is also effective. For example, if a toddler is showing signs of frustration during a puzzle, redirect their focus by suggesting a different activity that aligns with their interests and abilities. This not only diffuses the situation but also teaches toddlers adaptive coping strategies.

Moreover, use redirection as an opportunity to teach social skills. Role-play scenarios like sharing toys, taking turns, and using kind words allow toddlers to practice and internalize positive behaviors in a safe environment.

Setting Clear Expectations

Clear expectations are essential for toddlers to understand boundaries and navigate their environment effectively. 

Beyond verbal instructions, create visual cues and routines that reinforce expectations. For example, a “clean-up” song or visual schedule can signal transitions and promote independence.

Involve toddlers in establishing rules and expectations. During a group activity, ask them, “What do you think are the rules for playing together?” This encourages cooperation, critical thinking, and a sense of responsibility.

Consistency is key when setting expectations. Ensure that rules are enforced consistently across different settings and caregivers. This fosters a sense of predictability and security for toddlers, reducing anxiety and challenging behaviors.

Modeling Positive Behavior:

 As role models, parents play a crucial role in modeling positive behavior for toddlers. Beyond verbal instructions, demonstrate empathy, patience, and problem-solving skills in your interactions. 

For example, if a toddler is upset, model deep breathing techniques and verbalize your own emotions, such as saying, “I understand you’re feeling frustrated. Let’s take a deep breath together.”

Use storytelling and pretend play to showcase positive behaviors. Create scenarios where characters demonstrate sharing, cooperation, and empathy, and encourage toddlers to participate and imitate these behaviors.

Additionally, provide opportunities for toddlers to practice positive behaviors in real-life situations. For instance, during snack time, encourage them to use polite words like “please” and “thank you,” reinforcing positive social interactions.

Time-In Instead of Time-Out

Time-ins create a nurturing environment where toddlers feel supported and understood during moments of distress or misbehavior. Instead of isolating them, use time-ins as teaching moments. 

Sit with the toddler, maintain eye contact, and validate their feelings by saying, “I can see you’re feeling upset. Let’s talk about what happened.”

Use reflective listening to acknowledge their perspective and guide them toward problem-solving. 

For example, if a toddler is upset about not getting a turn, reflect their feelings by saying, “It sounds like you really wanted to play with that toy. What can we do to take turns and share?”

Time-ins can also involve activities that promote emotional regulation, such as deep breathing exercises, sensory play, or calming music. These activities help toddlers self-soothe and manage their emotions effectively.

Positive discipline techniques offer a myriad of benefits that profoundly impact toddlers’ development and well-being. 

From empowerment and social skills development to emotional intelligence, relationship building, and long-term positive behavior, these techniques lay a solid foundation for toddlers to thrive emotionally, socially, and behaviorally throughout their lives.