parenting hacks for working moms

25 life-saving parenting hacks for working moms

You’ve come to the right place to learn about the 25 life-saving parenting hacks for working moms! Being a working mom is hard, REALLY hard! Believe me I get it, I’m right there with you as a busy working mom of a toddler.

Here are the top 25 parenting hacks for working moms that I have found to be really helpful as I’m constantly trying to balance my work duties and mama duties.  I hope they help you too.

This post was created by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL and contains affiliate links.

parenting hacks for working moms

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has years of experience working with children with diverse developmental needs and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I loved being a support person for parents learning about child development, sensory processing, and their child’s individual needs.

In this post I want to support all of those parents out there who are struggling everyday to balance their work duties and parenting duties.  I’m in the same boat as you.  Yes, I struggle just like you, but these hacks have helped me move through my days with more ease.

This post is all about the 25 life-saving parenting hacks for working moms.  I hope they are as helpful to you as they are for me.

independence in preschool

25 amazing parenting hacks for working moms

Establish a Routine

Establish a routine has probably been the most helpful of the parenting hacks for working moms that I have implemented at home.  

A well-structured routine not only provides children with a sense of stability and security but also serves as a backbone for managing daily tasks efficiently. 

Consider creating a visual schedule using pictures for younger children, incorporating regular meal times, nap times, playtime, and bedtime rituals.

This is the daily planner that I use to help me stay organize with both my work tasks and my mama tasks.  It also helps me set goals that I want to accomplish every month.

parenting hacks

Utilize Technology

Leverage technology to streamline various aspects of your life are helpful hacks for working moms. Besides calendar and task management apps, explore digital meal planning platforms that offer customizable recipes, grocery lists, and nutritional information. 

Some apps even allow you to track food preferences and allergies, making meal planning more tailored to your family’s needs.

Prep Meals in Advance

Meal prepping goes beyond just cooking in bulk.  This parenting hack for working moms has made my life so much easier!

Dive deeper into meal planning techniques such as theme nights (e.g., Taco Tuesdays, Meatless Mondays), creating versatile base ingredients that can be used in multiple recipes, and incorporating leftovers creatively into new meals to minimize food waste.

Cooking ahead of time and always having my freezer stocked with quick, easy meals (frozen burrittos) makes the evenings easier. It also allows for flexibility on those nice days when I would rather go to the park with my girl than cook dinner.

heavy work activities

Delegate Tasks

Delegate tasks not only within your family but also consider outsourcing certain responsibilities. 

For instance, hire a cleaning service for deep cleaning tasks or enlist the help of a virtual assistant for managing administrative work related to your household or personal affairs.

Create a Family Command Center:

Enhance your family command center by incorporating digital elements such as synced calendars accessible to all family members, a shared digital storage space for important documents, and task management tools that allow for collaborative to-do lists and reminders.

mindful parenting

Use Grocery Delivery Services

This parenting hack for working moms is great for when time feels limited during busy weeks.

Explore the full potential of grocery delivery services by opting for subscription-based models that offer discounts, personalized recommendations based on your purchase history, and automated reminders for restocking essential items.

I use Imperfect Foods to help end food waste and the delivery is free!.  You just shop online ahead of time.  It’s that easy!.

Batch Work Tasks

I use this parent hack both with work tasks and home tasks. Take a strategic approach to batching work tasks by categorizing them based on energy levels and cognitive demands. 

For example, reserve mornings for high-focus tasks requiring creativity or critical thinking, and afternoons for routine tasks or meetings.

Invest in Time-Saving Gadgets

Beyond kitchen gadgets and smart home devices, consider investing in time-saving tools for your work environment. 

This could include ergonomic office furniture to promote better posture and reduce fatigue during long work hours, or noise-canceling headphones to create a focused work environment, especially in shared or noisy spaces.

Set Realistic Expectations

Practice setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) both in your professional and personal life. 

Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate milestones along the way to maintain motivation and momentum.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care encompasses a wide range of activities beyond the stereotypical spa day. You need to fill up your own cup before you can help others.

Dive into various self-care practices such as journaling for reflection and stress management, mindfulness exercises like body scans and gratitude practices, and engaging in hobbies or creative outlets that bring you joy and relaxation.

Create a Mom Network

Build a diverse support network that includes fellow working moms, mentors, industry peers, and community resources. 

Attend networking events, join online forums or social media groups, and participate in professional development programs tailored to working mothers.

obstacle courses

Embrace Imperfection

Cultivate a growth mindset that embraces failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth. 

Encourage resilience in both yourself and your children by reframing challenges as stepping stones toward personal and professional development.

I’ve stopped trying to be a perfect mom but continue to strive to be a present mom.

Use Time Blocks

Using time blocks are amazing parenting hacks for working moms.  Implement time blocking techniques to structure your day with dedicated blocks of time for specific activities. 

Experiment with different time intervals, such as the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break), and adjust based on your productivity rhythms.

Practice Mindfulness

Deepen your mindfulness practice beyond basic techniques by exploring mindful eating habits, mindful communication strategies in both professional and personal interactions, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques for managing stress and anxiety.

I know it’s really hard to find time for this and it can feel like its at the bottom of our to do list.  But even participating in 5 minutes of mindfulness activities a day can can help with focus, attention, and productivity.

Outsource When Possible

Evaluate your budget and prioritize outsourcing tasks that align with your financial resources and time constraints. 

This could range from hiring a virtual assistant for administrative tasks to partnering with childcare services or after-school programs to support your child’s educational and extracurricular needs.

Create a Workspace at Home

Design a home workspace that reflects your productivity needs and personal style. This can be used for both work tasks and home tasks.

Incorporate ergonomic principles such as proper desk height, comfortable seating, and adequate lighting to optimize focus and reduce physical strain during work hours.

Prioritize Sleep

Dive into the science of sleep hygiene by exploring factors such as sleep environment optimization (e.g., room temperature, lighting, noise levels). 

Establishing consistent bedtime routines for both adults and children, and leveraging technology like sleep tracking apps to monitor sleep quality and patterns.

Practice Open Communication

Foster a culture of open communication within your family by scheduling regular check-ins, actively listening to each other’s concerns and perspectives, and modeling effective communication strategies such as assertive communication and conflict resolution skills.

hacks for working moms

Plan Family Time

Elevate your family bonding experiences by incorporating intentional activities that cater to each family member’s interests and preferences. 

This could include planning themed family nights, organizing outdoor adventures, or volunteering together for community service projects.

Automate Bill Payments

Optimize your financial management system by automating bill payments, setting up budgeting tools and alerts to track expenses, and exploring investment opportunities or retirement savings plans for long-term financial security.

working moms

Delegate Household Chores

Empower children with age-appropriate responsibilities and involve them in decision-making processes related to household chores. 

Use positive reinforcement and reward systems to motivate participation and foster a sense of ownership and accountability.

Remember that littles LOVE being mama’s helper so take advantage of that.  My daughter and I had so much fun cooking dinner together today.

Stay Organized

Dive deep into organizational strategies by exploring minimalist principles for decluttering and organizing living spaces, implementing digital organization tools for managing digital files and documents, and creating personalized organization systems that cater to your family’s unique needs and preferences.

Take Advantage of Flexibility

Maximize the benefits of flexible work arrangements by experimenting with alternative work schedules, exploring remote work opportunities, and advocating for policies that support work-life balance and employee well-being within your organization.

Celebrate Small Wins

Cultivate a culture of celebration and appreciation within your family by acknowledging and celebrating each other’s achievements, no matter how small. 

Create rituals or traditions around celebrating milestones and accomplishments to reinforce positive behaviors and attitudes.

Be Present

Deepen your mindfulness practice by incorporating mindful parenting techniques that emphasize presence, active listening, and empathy. 

Practice non-judgmental awareness in daily interactions with your children, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.

By immersing yourself in these expanded parenting hacks, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical strategies to navigate the complexities of being a working mom with grace, resilience, and joy. 

Remember that these are not rigid rules but flexible parenting hacks for working moms that can be adapted to suit your unique circumstances and preferences. 

Embrace the journey of continual learning and growth as you navigate the rewarding path of parenthood and professional success.