outdoor winter activities for kids

5 Amazing Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids They Will Love

Are your kids going stir crazy yet?  Are you dreading the long cold winter and miss being able to send them outside to play?  Well, the cold is no excuse for them not to get outdoors.  

Just because it is winter, does not mean that they still can’t play outside.  Here is the ultimate guide to the 5 best outdoor winter activities for kids.

This post was created by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL and contains affiliate links.

outdoor winter activities for kids

Are your kids getting restless during the long, cold days of winter? Fear not, because we have the ultimate solutions to keep them entertained, engaged, and active in the great outdoors. 

Get ready to unlock the magic of winter with the top 5 outdoor activities for kids that will have your little ones grinning from ear to ear and not wanting to come back inside. 

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has years of experience working with children with autism and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I’m passionate about increasing the amount of time that kids play outside and experience all of the beauty and magic that nature has to offer..  As far as I’m concerned, there’s no such thing as bad weather.

From sledding down snowy slopes to ice dancing and building snow forts, these adventures promise boundless fun and excitement. 

This post is all about the top 5 amazing outdoor winter activities for kids. So, bundle up and join us as we delve into a winter wonderland that will create memories to last a lifetime.,

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5 amazing outdoor winter activities for kids

1. Sledding

One of the most exciting outdoor winter activities for kids is none other than sledding. I loved sledding as a kid, and I can’t wait until my daughter is a bit older and we can go sledding together.

It’s an adventure that combines the thrill of speed with the whimsy of winter. Imagine the joy on your child’s face as they race down a snow-covered hill, wind whipping through their hair and a contagious laughter filling the air.

Sledding is a timeless activity that has been cherished for generations. And for good reason too! It’s simple, yet incredibly exciting. All your kids need is a sled and a snowy slope, and they’re ready to take on the slopes like a pro. 

The best part is their what seems to be, endless energy will keep them outside sledding all day.

Whether it’s a classic wooden sled, a colorful plastic saucer, or an inflatable tube, the options are endless. There’s a sled out there to suit every child’s preference and style.

The best part about sledding is that it can be enjoyed by kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens. Even adults can join in on the fun!

Whether your family is venturing to a local hill or heading to a winter resort, there are sledding spots aplenty. Just make sure to choose a hill that is safe, free of obstacles, and far away from any roads.

But before you unleash the fun, remember to prioritize safety. Make sure your kids are bundled up in warm winter gear, including helmets to protect their heads. 

Teach them the importance of sledding feet first and avoiding collisions with other sledders. And of course, keep a watchful eye on them as they zip down the hill, ready to catch them if they need assistance.

Sledding is more than just a fun-filled activity; it’s a bonding experience. It’s a chance for families and friends to come together, create memories, and enjoy the wonders of winter. 

So, grab your sleds, hold on tight, and let the adventure begin. Get ready for a day filled with laughter, screams of delight, and maybe even a few snowball fights along the way. Sledding truly is the ultimate speed thrill that will leave your kids begging for more winter fun.,

outdoor activities

2. Ice Skating

Ice skating is a timeless winter activity that combines grace, skill, and a touch of magic. There’s something enchanting about gliding effortlessly on frozen water, feeling the chill air on your cheeks as you twirl and spin.

And for kids, it’s pure joy. Ice skating is a chance for them to embrace their inner daredevil, to feel the exhilaration of speed while gracefully dancing on the ice.

But before you lace up your skates and hit the ice, it’s important to ensure safety measures are taken.

Just like with sledding, make sure your little ones are bundled up in warm winter gear to keep them cozy in the crisp air. And let’s not forget the helmets – they’re not just for sledding! Protect their heads from any unexpected tumbles on the ice.

Once safety is covered, it’s time to let the magic unfold. As your kids take their first wobbly steps on the ice, be there for them, holding their hands, offering support.

Encourage them to find their balance and embrace the feeling of gliding. Soon enough, they’ll be racing across the ice with wide smiles and a sense of accomplishment.

Ice skating not only provides fun and laughter, but it also teaches valuable life lessons. It teaches resilience, as your little ones learn to get back up after a fall and keep trying.

It helps them develop patience, as they learn to navigate the ice and develop their skills over time. And it fosters a sense of achievement, as they conquer new tricks and embrace the beauty of this winter activity.

As your kids master the art of ice skating, they will experience a newfound freedom and joy. The ice rink becomes a canvas for their imagination, a place where they can express themselves through movement and creativity. So, let them spin, leap, and glide to their heart’s content. Ice skating is not only a fun activity but also an opportunity to foster their coordination and build their confidence.

Now, as your kids become more comfortable on the ice, it’s time to transition to the next adventurous winter activity – the snowball fight. Unleash their inner warrior as they embrace the challenge and excitement of battling it out in the snow.,

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3. Snowball fights

Who doesn’t love a good snowball fight? Unleash their inner warrior as they embrace the challenge and excitement of battling it out in the snow.

Just like ice skating, a snowball fight offers a chance for your kids to let their imaginations run wild. As they gather snow, pack it tightly, and hurl it through the air, they become masters of strategy and precision.

The snow-covered landscape becomes their battlefield, and their opponents become friends-turned-foes, adding an extra layer of thrill and camaraderie.

Through a snowball fight, your kids not only engage in physical exercise but also learn valuable life lessons. They discover the importance of teamwork as they strategize with their siblings or friends, making plans to outsmart their opponents.

They develop quick reflexes and adaptability, as they dodge incoming snowballs and adjust their tactics on the fly. And above all, they experience the sheer joy of letting go, of immersing themselves in the moment without worrying about anything else.

As you watch your kids throwing snowballs, laughing, and enjoying themselves, you can’t help but feel a warm sense of nostalgia. Maybe you remember your own snowball fights from childhood, or perhaps it’s the collective memory of generations before you, passing down this age-old winter tradition.

Regardless, you understand that this simple act of play connects your family to something greater, to the shared joy of winter and the beauty of nature’s canvas.

So, encourage your kids to unleash their inner warrior in a snowball fight. Let them experience the thrill of victory and the camaraderie that comes from a friendly winter battle. 

And when the snowball fight concludes, transition seamlessly to the next winter adventure – building snow forts, where their creativity can continue to blossom in the form of a wintertime masterpiece.,

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4. Building Snowforts

Building snow forts brings a sense of accomplishment and imaginative play. The cold, fluffy snow becomes their building material, waiting to be transformed into an architectural marvel. 

As they gather snowballs and wield their shovels, their anticipation grows, knowing that they are about to create an epic structure that will be the envy of the neighborhood.

The process of constructing snow forts is a collaborative effort, requiring teamwork, problem-solving, and a touch of artistic flair. Each family member can contribute their ideas and skills, from shaping the walls to carving out windows and doorways. 

The snow becomes their medium, and with each carefully placed snowball, their masterpiece takes shape.

As the snow fort grows taller and wider, the excitement in the air is palpable. The children’s giggles mix with the sound of snow crunching beneath their boots, creating a symphony of winter joy. 

Their imaginations run wild as they envision the battles that will take place within their icy fortress – defending against imaginary foes or staging epic snowball fights with friends.

Building snow forts not only fosters creativity but also encourages problem-solving and critical thinking. As they work together to build a sturdy and structurally sound fort, they learn to adapt their plans, overcome obstacles, and appreciate the value of teamwork. 

It’s a hands-on lesson in resilience and determination that will serve them well in future endeavors.

So, let your kids build their snow fort masterpiece – a testament to their creativity and resilience. And as they put the finishing touches on their frozen creation, they’ll be ready to embark on the next winter adventure.

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5. Nature Walk

Fore their next adventure, why not take them on a nature walk to discover winter’s secrets? It’s a wonderful way to further immerse them in the beauty and wonder of the season.

Stepping outside into the crisp winter air, your kids will immediately notice how everything seems still and hushed. The world becomes a different place when covered in a blanket of snow. 

Each step they take will create a satisfying crunch beneath their boots, awakening their senses and drawing them further into the magic of winter.

As they venture deeper into nature’s winter wonderland, their eyes will be captivated by the delicate beauty of frost-kissed branches, sparkling icicles, and glistening snowflakes. 

Encourage them to examine these natural wonders up close, marveling at the intricate patterns and unique formations that only winter can create. Each discovery will reveal a secret world hidden in plain sight.

Along the way, challenge your kids to spot signs of wildlife that may be lurking in this winter wonderland. Look for animal tracks imprinted in the snow, paw prints leading to hidden burrows, or even the occasional glimpse of a squirrels’ nest tucked high in the branches. 

It’s a treasure hunt of sorts, where they can play detective and piece together the stories of the wildlife that call this winter landscape their home.

And let’s not forget about the sounds of winter. As they walk through the snow-covered forest, tell your kids to listen closely. 

They may hear the gentle rustling of a squirrel gathering its winter stash or the distant call of a bird soaring overhead. Winter’s silence can be both peaceful and filled with hidden melodies waiting to be discovered.

As your children explore the wonders of winter, they’ll not only be immersed in nature, but they’ll also be cultivating a deep appreciation for the world around them. 

Every step they take during this nature walk will be a step towards fostering a curiosity and reverence for the natural environment that will stay with them throughout their lives.

So, take their hands and lead them on this enchanting journey through winter’s secrets. Let them experience the quiet beauty that awaits, and watch as their love for nature grows with each step. 

With the ultimate guide to outdoor winter activities for kids, you are now equipped to venture into a frosty wonderland with your little ones. 

From the exhilarating speed of sledding to the graceful artistry of ice skating, from the joyous chaos of a snowball fight to the creative pursuit of building snow forts, and from the peaceful exploration of a nature walk to the discovery of winter’s secrets, these activities promise endless entertainment and engagement for your children. 

So bundle up, step outside, and let the fun begin! As you embark on this frosty adventure, remember that winter should not confine your kids indoors. 

By encouraging them to spend time in the great outdoors, you are offering them a unique opportunity to make lasting memories and experience the thrill of winter firsthand. 

So, bundle up, step outside, and let the magic of winter unfold. The adventure awaits – don’t let it pass you by