
Holistic Healing with Horses Community: for Therapists who use Hippotherapy

Discover the incredible power of hippotherapy and why therapists using horses for treatment are considered superheroes in the lives of their clients and families. This Post was written by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL, in April 2023

Holistic Healing with Horses Community: for Therapists who use Hippotherapy

The Superheroes!

The therapists I’ve met along my journey who use horses as part of their treatment strategy when working with clients are the closes thing to a superhero I’ve ever seen. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’ve spoken with so many people, clients, parents, and family members who have all said the same. “That therapist is my hero!”

They told me that their lives or their loved ones’ lives have significantly and sometimes unimaginably changed since they started equine assisted therapy. I’ve not only witnessed the incredible power of using the horse as a treatment strategy with the clients I’ve worked with but also in my own life.

Hard Work

I grew up riding horses and have competed, taught lessons, as well as studied and practiced hippotherapy. I truly understand the amount of work it takes to maintain a barn and take care of horses. That alone can be a full-time job in itself. I also know the level of physical, emotional, and intellectual exhaustion that therapists feel after putting in a 10-hour day of back-to-back hippotherapy sessions. This work is demanding and tough so yeah….these therapists are superheroes!

I also know the level of joy that frequently accompanies hippotherapy. Witnessing both the connection with the horse and rider in the present moment and the amazing outcomes, in the end, makes it all worth it. Most of the therapists I have talked to couldn’t imagine doing any other type of work. As exhausted as they might be at the end of the day, most of them can’t wait to wake up the next day and do it all again. It’s truly inspiring.

Unfortunately, hippotherapy and the therapists who use the horse as a therapy tool seldom get the recognition and support they deserve. I hope to help fill this need and increase awareness and support for these superheroes with Holistic Healing with Horses.

What is Holistic Healing with Horses?

Although the benefits of hippotherapy are clear to those who have been involved in it, how to use the horse and its environment as a treatment strategy is often missing from the curriculum in many graduate therapy programs. Although the general public is becoming more aware of these benefits, there is a need to spread knowledge about how hippotherapy can be used to help a variety of people. This resource aims to provide therapists and the general public with a resource to learn more about hippotherapy and all it has to offer and to provide ideas and treatment activities to get a therapist started using horses in their treatment practice.

Under Treatment Activities is information about how hippotherapy can be used to help individuals who are working on various goals, in addition to activities for therapists to use during the treatment to help them achieve those goals. The Information section provides general knowledge of hiippotherapy to those who may not have experience with this treatment option.

The Research section can be used to review research studies that have investigated the outcomes from using hippotherapy for a variety of symptoms, disabilities, and diagnoses. Lastly, the Forum and Blog is available to use as a method of communication and collaboration. This resource can be used for therapists already using these treatment strategies or wanting to begin using them. It can also be used by individuals who would like to participate in hippotherapy and want to learn more about it.

Holistic Healing with Horses Hippotherapy Membership

The Holistic Healing with Horses Membership is a way for therapists to join the community, promote their work, and support one another. As a member, you will have access to educational tools, be able to share your ideas and treatment activities and be able to collaborate with other therapists on treatment and research topics. You will also be able to create your own profile and promote your services and facility.

Ever evolving

My hope is that this resource will continue to grow and evolve. I would love to hear all of your thoughts, and what you would like to see more of or new ways this resource could support hippotherapy and the amazing work you do. By increasing awareness and research we have the potential to improve the lives of many.

Thank you for the amazing work you do.