best toys for toddlers with autism


Are you looking for information on the best toys for toddlers with autism?  Well, you are in the right place.  For children with autism, toys not only provide entertainment but also serve as powerful tools for unlocking their potential. 

In this article, we delve into the world of play for toddlers on the autism spectrum, unveiling the 20 best toys that foster sensory development, encourage social interaction, and enhance cognitive skills. 

This post was created by Marra Robert, OTD, OTRL and contains affiliate links.

best toys for toddlers with autism

Is there a special little one with autism your life?  Are you looking for the perfect toys that will not only support their development but also will lead to endless fun?

From understanding their unique needs to selecting the best toys for toddlers with autism, get ready to embark on a journey that will transform how you view playtime. 

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has years of experience working with children with autism and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I loved being a support person for parents learning about autism.   For the families I worked with in early intervention services,  I would often recommend toys to help improve their child’s sensory processing and developmental skills. I’d like to share the most common toy recommendations with you.

This post is all about the bet toys for toddlers with autism.  So join us on this adventure into the world of toys for autism and find the perfect gift for that special little someone.

early intervention


To fully grasp the significance of toy selection for children with autism, it is crucial to understand their unique needs. Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. Each child with autism is unique, with their own set of challenges and strengths. 

One key aspect to consider is sensory processing. Children with autism often have sensory sensitivities or differences, meaning that they have difficulty processing sensory information from the environment.

For instance, they may be hyper-sensitive to certain sounds, lights, or textures, or they may seek out intense sensory input. These sensory sensitivities can impact their ability to engage with toys in different ways.

Another important consideration is communication and social interaction. Many children with autism have difficulty with verbal communication, social cues, and understanding the perspectives of others. This can make it challenging for them to engage in social play or understand the rules of certain games.

It is also essential to take into account their cognitive skills. While some children on the autism spectrum may have exceptional cognitive abilities in certain areas, others may struggle with tasks that most toddlers find easy. This can influence their ability to interact with certain toys and engage in play activities that promote cognitive development.

Understanding these unique needs is crucial when selecting toys for children with autism. By choosing toys that address their sensory sensitivities, support their communication and social skills, and cater to their cognitive abilities, we can create a play environment that maximizes their potential for growth and enjoyment.

With this knowledge in mind, let’s explore the importance of toy selection for sensory development.

If you would like to learn more about sensory processing and our sensory systems check out the post linked below.

sensory processing


Understanding the unique needs of children with autism is crucial when selecting toys for sensory development. Children on the autism spectrum may have varying sensory sensitivities, which can greatly impact their ability to interact with certain toys.

Some children may be hypersensitive to certain sounds or textures, while others may seek out specific sensory experiences. By choosing toys that address these sensitivities, we can create a play environment that is both enjoyable and supportive of their sensory development.

For children with autism, toys that provide a range of sensory experiences can be especially beneficial. Many children with autism have difficulty processing sensory input, so toys that engage multiple senses at once can help them learn to integrate and regulate their sensory systems. 

Toys with different textures, colors, sounds, and movements can provide a variety of sensory experiences, allowing children to explore and engage with their environment in a way that feels comfortable and enjoyable to them.

In addition to addressing sensory sensitivities, selecting the best toys for toddlers with autism should also consider their communication and social skills. Toys that encourage communication and interaction can help children with autism develop and strengthen these important skills. 

For example, toys that require turn-taking or imitation can promote social interaction and help toddlers learn to engage with others in play. Choosing toys that support communication and social skills can not only foster social connections but also enhance overall development.

Understanding the importance of toy selection for sensory development is key to creating a play environment that maximizes the potential for growth and enjoyment in toddlers  with autism. 

By choosing toys that address sensory sensitivities, support communication and social skills, and cater to cognitive abilities, we can create a well-rounded play experience that promotes overall development. 


1. Pop Bubbles

best toys for toddlers with autism

These toys are a big hit, not just for toddlers with autism but for all kids.  These pop bubbles are definitely one of my toddlers favorite toys.

The act of popping bubbles engages multiple senses, providing a rich sensory experience that can benefit these young minds in profound ways. 

They receive both positive tactile and deep pressure input to their fingers helping to improve their regulation.  This is a great toys to keep their attention and perfect to have on hand in the car or out at a restaurant to keep their little hands busy.


best toys for toddlers with autism

I just think this is the cutest little fidget.  Fidgets of any kind are some of the best toys for toddlers with autism.  They provide them with tactile as well as other sensory input that their little bodies are craving to improve their regulation and help calm their bodies.

There are so many different fidgets out there depending on your toddler’s uniques sensory needs.  Every child has different sensory needs so choose the right fidget for your child.

These are also great toys to always keep in your bag and pull out when your child needs a little extra sensory input or an activity to keep their hands busy.  This cute slug fidget is the perfect one for car rides and other outings.

3. busy board

best toys for toddleas

These busy board Montessori toys are one of the best toys for toddlers with autism.  These kind of act like a fidget but are so great to strengthen the development of fine motor skills as well as problem solving skills.

These fun boards will definitely keep your toddlers entertain for a while.  They also provide great tactile input as well as other sensory input.

heavy work activities

4. Kitchen set

toys for autism

As mentioned previously, toddlers with autism often struggle with social skills and pretend play skills.   One great option for promoting social interaction is a play kitchen set. 

This toy allows children to engage in pretend play scenarios, taking on roles such as chef or customer. By playing together with siblings or friends, children with autism can practice turn-taking, sharing, and communicating their desires or needs.


toys for kids with autism


Building blocks are another fantastic choice for promoting social interaction. Whether it’s building towers, creating structures, or constructing imaginative worlds, building blocks provide opportunities for toddlers with autism to engage with others and work collaboratively. 

They can learn to communicate their ideas, negotiate roles, and problem-solve together, fostering valuable social interaction skills. And it is so much fun and a new experience every time the play and build with the blocks

pediatric occupational therapy evaluation

6. Puzzles

best toys for autism

Puzzles can also play a significant role in promoting social interaction. By working on puzzles together, toddlers with autism can learn to take turns, problem-solve, and communicate with others. 

Additionally, puzzles can encourage joint attention, where they focus on the same activity or object, promoting shared experiences and connections.

7. Board Games

toys for toddlers


Board games that are designed specifically for toddlers and young children can be a fantastic tool for promoting social interaction. These games often incorporate visual supports, clear instructions, and simplified rules, making them more accessible for children on the autism spectrum.

They can also be adjusted based on the developmental skills of the child. Through playing board games together, children can practice turn-taking, sharing, and following rules, all while having fun and building social skills.

The Sneaky, Snacky, Squirrel is one of may favorite board games for toddlers because they can simply play their own way or follow the rules for more structured social game.  This game also works on strengthening fine motor skills.

8. Tunnels

autism sensory toys

I am a huge fan of toys that encourage movement play activities and think they are the best toys for toddlers with autism.  It is so important that our little ones get enough movement throughout the day, especially children who have autism of sensory needs.

Movement, and especially crawling can be very regulating to the nervous systems for those toddlers who always are on the go and crave that movement and deep pressure input.  Tunnels are also a great way to start working on small obstacle courses with your child.

If you would like to learn more about all of the amazing benefits of obstacle courses for child development, check out the post linked below.

obstacle courses

9. Sensory Mats

sensory play

These sensory mats are another one of the best sensory toys for toddlers with autism.  They are great for exploring different textures and provide a lot of great tactile feedback to the nervous system which can be calming for some toddlers with autism.

You can explore these sensory mats with your toddler and talk about the different textures, asking them which ones they like and how they make them feel.  It’s important to have these types of conversations when exploring different sensory experiences.

10. Sensory table

sensory processing disorder

These sensory tables are amazing!  I love that they are versatile they are.  You can remove the top and use as a sensory bin for different tactile play for your toddler.  

You can also put the top on, and on one side it is a surface to play or color and the other surface is a chalk board.  This one table has so many options.

There you have it, the top 10 best toys for toddlers with autism. By carefully selecting toys that cater to the unique needs of children on the autism spectrum, you can unlock your child’s potential for play and learning. 

The top 10 best toys for toddlers with autism listed in this guide provide endless hours of fun while supporting their growth and development.  Embrace the possibilities of joy and learning that these toys can bring to your child’s life. Start exploring the endless potential together and unlock the door to a world of growth and connection.