encouraging independence in preschool

Top 10 Ways of Encouraging Independence in Preschool

Are you looking to try encouraging independence in preschool? As parents, we strive to raise confident and self-reliant children. In this article, we will explore 10 strategies that can help empower your preschooler to take control of their own growth and development. 

From fostering a growth mindset to teaching self-help skills, these tactics will guide you in setting your child on the path towards becoming independent and successful individuals. 

So, let’s dive in and discover how you can support your preschooler in their journey towards independence and confidence by encouraging independence in preschool.

encouraging independence in preschool

Hi! My name is Marra and I’m a mama and a pediatric occupational therapist who has years of experience working with children with different developmental needs, and helping their parents navigate the ups and downs of child development.

I love being a support person for parents learning about child development, fostering independence in their child, sensory processing, and their child’s individual needs.

As an occupational therapist, I understand the importance of encouraging independence in preschool. Encouraging independence builds their confidence and equips them with essential life skills. Here are ten effective ways of encouraging independence in preschool aged children:

independence in preschool


Fostering a Growth Mindset

Another crucial aspect of encouraging independence in preschool is by cultivating a growth mindset. 

By encouraging young, preschool-aged children to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and understand that effort leads to growth, you can help instill a powerful belief in their ability to develop and succeed. 

This mindset shift can empower your preschoolers to take on new tasks with confidence and resilience, setting the stage for continued growth and independence as they navigate through life’s challenges. 

Moving forward, let’s explore how you can also encourage your preschooler to take calculated risks as they continue to build their independence.,

Encouraging Risk-Taking

As your preschooler continues to develop their independence, it’s important to also encourage them to take calculated risks.   By doing so, you will be encouraging independence in preschool.

By providing opportunities for your child to step out of their comfort zone and try new things, you are helping them build confidence and resilience in the face of challenges. 

Whether it’s trying a new activity, speaking up in a group setting, or solving a problem on their own, supporting your child in taking risks will ultimately lead to their growth and development. 

By fostering a sense of adventure and curiosity in your preschooler, you are laying the foundation for them to become more self-reliant and capable individuals. 

This willingness to take risks will also help them learn from their experiences and make informed decisions as they grow. 

Next, let’s explore how allowing for choices can further empower your preschooler to take ownership of their actions and develop a sense of autonomy in their daily activities.

Allowing for Choices

By allowing for choices in their daily activities, you are giving your preschooler the opportunity to make decisions and take control of their experiences. 

This autonomy helps them feel more independent and capable, laying the groundwork for them to develop self-help skills and navigate challenges with confidence. 

Embracing the power of choice empowers your child to explore their preferences, strengths, and interests, setting the stage for them to become self-reliant individuals who can make informed decisions and take ownership of their actions. 

This sense of autonomy will further enhance their willingness to learn and grow, preparing them for a future where they can confidently tackle new challenges and responsibilities. 

In fostering a culture of choice in your preschoolers’ daily routine, you are fostering their independence and empowering them to become active participants in their own development and growth.

heavy work activities

Teaching Self-Help Skills

One important aspect of encouraging independence in preschool is teaching them self-help skills. Encouraging your child to dress themselves, brush their own teeth, and tidy up after themselves not only fosters independence but also builds their confidence and sense of capability. 

By actively involving them in these tasks, you are empowering them to take care of their own needs and develop a sense of responsibility. 

Teaching self-help skills is a valuable way to equip your preschooler with the tools they need to navigate daily challenges and tasks on their own, setting them up for success in the future. 

Ultimately, by instilling these skills early on, you are preparing your child to be self-sufficient and resourceful individuals who can tackle various situations with resilience and determination.

Promoting Problem-Solving

Promoting problem-solving can further enhance your preschooler’s ability to independently navigate obstacles and find solutions to challenges they encounter. 

By encouraging your child to think critically and come up with their own solutions, you are helping them build essential problem-solving skills that will serve them well in various aspects of their life.

As your preschooler learns to tackle problems on their own, they will become more confident in their abilities and more willing to take on new challenges. This newfound confidence will set the stage for them to thrive and grow, reinforcing their independence and self-sufficiency.,

Establish Routines

 To help with encouraging independence in preschool, create predictable routines for daily activities like meals, bedtime, and playtime. 

Routines provide structure and help children understand what to expect, leading to greater independence in managing their day.  By creating routines, preschoolers can learn what comes next and begin to take initiative with familiar tasks.

encourage independence in preschool

Praise Effort

Acknowledge and praise your child’s efforts and achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement motivates them to continue trying new tasks and builds their confidence.

Positive reinforcement can make all the difference when encouraging independence in preschool.  It’s especially important when they make mistakes and to praise the effort so that they continue to practice a new skills until they master it.

Set Realistic Expectations

Be realistic about your child’s capabilities and set age-appropriate expectations. Avoid doing things for them that they can do on their own, as this hinders their progress toward independence.

This goes along with fostering a growth mindset and praising effort.  Expect that they will make mistakes and teach them that it is ok to do so.

Teach Organizational Skills

 Help your child learn basic organizational skills like tidying up toys, putting away belongings, and keeping their space neat. Use visual cues and simple systems to make organization easier for them to understand.

Promote Social Skills:

Encourage interactions with peers and adults to develop social skills like sharing, taking turns, and expressing emotions. These skills are crucial for building relationships and navigating social situations independently.

Incorporating the 10 strategies for building independence into your interactions with your preschooler is a powerful way to set them on the path towards success and self-reliance. 

Remember, fostering a growth mindset, encouraging risk-taking, and promoting problem-solving are just a few ways to empower your child.By being patient and supportive, you can watch them flourish into confident and capable individuals. 

Start implementing these strategies today and witness the incredible growth and development in your child. Embrace the journey of independence with your preschooler and watch them soar!

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