outdoor summer activities for kids

10 Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids

Make the most of the warm summer months and give your little ones a developmental boost with these fun, engaging outdoor summer activities for kids. From water play to gardening, there’s something for every age and interest. Let the outdoor adventures begin! 

outdoor summer activities for kids

It’s SUMMER! One of my favorite times of the year because we get to spend so much of our time outside. We also get to spend more time with family during the summer months, and for most of us, it’s time we can focus a little less on work and maybe enjoy some much-needed vacation days. I am excited to take some time off work soon and spend more time with my little girl.

I am a mom of a smart and very energetic 2-year-old. I am also a pediatric occupational therapist who spent years working with children with developmental needs in an outpatient clinic and an early intervention home setting.

I love working with children, especially during the early years. Their curiosity and exploration of the world during the first few years of their lives are fantastic to watch and be a part of.

With more than 20 years of experience working with children with typical and atypical developmental needs, I’ve learned how important it is for kids to play outside. 

I believe that time outside is critical for their development and that they often don’t get enough time outside. One of the reasons I think it is so important is for the development of their sensory processing skills.

Sensory processing is our ability to take in all of the information from our environment through our 8 senses, process and try to understand all of it, and then choose how best to respond. 

If you would like to learn more about sensory processing, check out What is Sensory Processing to learn more.

sensory processing

Why are outdoor summer activities for kids so important

The reason that outdoor summer activities for kids so beneficial is that the development of their sensory processing skills is that it is the most natural environment that exists, and in most cases, being outdoors is really calming to our sensory and nervous systems.

More often than not, outdoor activities involve more movement than the type of play kids participate in indoors. Kids learn best by moving!

Research shows that movement helps to improve attention, focus, and behavior, as well as helps to calm their bodies. It’s true for adults too. We know working out has many benefits, and they’re not all related to our physical fitness.

There is growing evidence that today, children spend significantly less time playing outside than in previous generations. 

This is due to a variety of reasons, including an increase in sedentary lifestyles, an increase in the overall pace of life, and an increase in the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen or on an electronic device.

COVID has also led to a recent decrease in the amount of time kids spend outside because we were all forced to quarantine and stay inside. Outdoor gathering places, such as parks, were seen as unsafe.

No one is to blame for why kids’ are spending less time playing outside, especially parents! But it is our responsibility as parents to advocate for our children’s needs, and together, we can try to reverse this and make sure that our kids are playing outside.

Let’s take advantage of these warm summer months and play outside! Now if you’re like me, you may be thinking, yeah, well, it would be so much easier if I worked part-time or if I stayed at home all summer with my kids. 

Yes, you may be right. It might be easier, but I assure you I am a very busy mom who works full time during the summer. 

These 10 Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids take into account all different types of beautiful families with hectic schedules, and hopefully, you’ll be able to work a few of these into your busy schedule this summer.

THE TOP 10 outdoor Summer activities for kids

playing at the park

This is by far my daughter and my favorite outdoor summer activities for kids. I try to go to the park with her every day I can, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. 

Any amount of time is fine; it doesn’t have to be a whole day activity. Even those days I don’t pick her up from daycare until 5 I try to go for a little bit.

Parenting tip: I always try to have frozen healthy meals or leftovers ready for dinner. If I have to choose between cooking dinner or playing at the park with my daughter, I always want to be able to choose to play at the park.

I’ve been taking my daughter to the park since she started walking. This may seem early for some of your comfort levels, but we started small and did everything together.

I think the fact that she has been able to master most of the park equipment by the time she turned 2 is because we started so early.

When we go to the park together, I make sure I PLAY too. I’m not distracted by other parents or my phone. I make sure to have fun with her. It’s also time for us to engage together. 

I even follow her up and go down the slide with her sometimes, or we play peekaboo or chase. And guess what, I have fun too! You are never too old to play.

I think it is so important for our kids to know that we truly enjoy being around them.


Yes, this outdoor summer activity for kids might require some PTO unless you can go for the weekend, but it’s totally worth it! I have the best memories of camping with my parents as a kid, and I absolutely loved it. We would go camping in northern Michigan, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

Your kids will spend days outside and even sleep outside. I recommend going off the grid for this and only having one phone for emergencies. You can build fires, make s’mores, go on walks, and build forts out of trees and sticks. There are endless possibilities of activities you and your kids can do while camping.

I’m too busy!!! No excuse! Pitch a tent in your backyard and camp there for one night. This may seem ridiculous to you but your kids will love it. 

Most of the time, it doesn’t matter how much planning is involved or how big and glorious the activity is. If you take a little time and plan something special and out of the norm for your kids, it’ll mean everything to them.

pediatric occupational therapy evaluation


Swimming is always fun and such great outdoor summer activities for kids; plus, they get a ton of movement and lots of great sensory input. Do not feel too much pressure to sign your kids up for weekly swim lessons. Just going with them a few times a year is great too. 

Similarly to the park, if you can get in the water and play with your kids, that’s a huge win and probably something they’ll remember for a long time.

Nature Walk

Yes, just going for a simple walk can be such a great outdoor summer activity for kids. This can be with them in the stroller, but It’s even better if the kids can walk and you follow their lead. Take them to a park, woods, or someplace away from roads, and let them walk freely and follow their lead.

See what they’re interested in. Right now, my daughter loves rocks. Do I enjoy rocks? 

No, and I might think it’s boring looking for rocks. But that doesn’t matter. To her, it’s important and so much fun! Try to get on their level, and showing interest in what your children like means everything to them.

I actually have enjoyed collecting rocks with her because it’s something we do together. It doesn’t matter what it is. Follow their lead. It may be simple, but exploring the outdoors and connecting with nature is so important for children.

Water Play

So far, this has been my daughter’s favorite outdoor summer activities for kids, and I can’t believe how simple it is and how long she stays engaged in this activity. I’ll admit it; this one is for our littles. I don’t expect an older kid to enjoy this that much, but it’s perfect for toddlers.

All you need for this activity is some water and cups or buckets. Fill up the cup and let them pour the water back and forth between the cups. 

For my daughter, I blow up the baby pool, which is too small for her now, and give her some cups and water toys. 

She loves scooping the water and pouring it back and forth between the cups. So simple yet so fun! You can add ice cubes or bubbles when they eventually get bored to keep the fun going.


Here is one for the older kids. Gardening are great outdoor summer activities kids. I remember when I was a kid, my parents had a vegetable garden every summer, and we would help them with it. 

Now they’ve started one again, and I know my daughter will help them with the garden when she gets a little older.

Gardening is a sensory-rich outdoor summer activity that kids will enjoy. They get to work hard, help out, and watch vegetables grow. It’s also a great opportunity to talk about where our food, which many of us take for granted, comes from. 

At the end of the summer, they can help pick the vegetables and even help prepare a meal.


Drawing with chalk is always fun! It’s also a great way for children to improve their fine motor and handwriting skills. They can do this with their siblings or when they have friends over for play dates. My daughter already loves this activity so it’s great for toddlers as well as older children.


Obstacle Courses are fun outdoor summer activities for kids that will not only keep your kids busy but help with all of that energy they seem to have constantly. 

These fun outdoor summer activities are one for the older kids. You can be creative with this activity; there are so many different ways to build an obstacle course and switch it up every time. You can even have your kids help make the obstacle course.

You can use cones or outdoor toys for them to run to and from, run circles around, jump over, or jump on one leg too. You can also draw an obstacle course for them with chalk in the driveway. The sky’s the limit with this activity so have fun with it!

obstacle courses


Ok, let’s be honest, this is my favorite outdoor summer reading activities, but it’s also really fun for kids. You can bring books outside and enjoy some fresh air while reading. You can read to each other or read different books next to each other.


Picnics are such awesome outdoor summer activities for kids for you to do with your kids. It doesn’t have to be fancy. You can simply have lunch or dinner in your backyard. It’s just a way to switch things up and add fun to a normal everyday activity.

I hope you found some of these outdoor summer activities for kids helpful and that you and your families have a fun-filled summer exploring the outdoors!

I’d love to hear your comments, questions, or your favorite summer activities you do with your kids.